Together, we're working to bring gospel healing to hurting hearts. Poe Mill, a forgotten neighborhood outside of downtown Greenville, needs more pastors and pastoral care. I've been doing my best to provide that for them, but to continue I need YOUR help.
So far we've been able to minister to drug addicts, drug dealers, prostitutes, homeless people, and alcoholics. We're truly trying to go after the people Jesus would if he were physically living in Greenville today.
We want you to minister with us by supporting our church revitalization with a gift of any amount. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
#WorshipJesus #RevitalizeTheChurch #ReachTheNeighborhood
The Story
7 years ago, I received a call from the last remaining deacon at Griggs. He told me their pastor was dying, some of their leaders had already died, other folks were shut in, and they were down to 5 members. On a good Sunday, they had about 10 total in attendance. They asked if I could come help out. I was glad to do so, I could tell they didn’t want their church to die.
In fact, they wanted to revitalize. And they wanted to reach their neighborhood. Even when the congregation was down to as little as 10 adults they still brought in 15-20 children from the neighborhood.
The neighborhood is called Poe Mill. It’s a low-income area of about 320 houses, with the average household income being $18,000 per year. It’s not necessarily a violent area, but the neighborhood is riddled with addiction, drug abuse, and broken homes.
I did come help out. And I too fell in love with these kids and this neighborhood.
The Vision
We went with some old-school tactics that work very well in our neighborhood. We held community meals at the church, then went door to door inviting anyone and everyone to attend. Very soon, things started to happen. We’ve had numerous people that were very beat up from the difficulties of life be built up by the gospel of life.
We have truly done our best to seek and save the lost, to extend unconditional love and mercy to the outcasts and downtrodden, just like Jesus modeled for us.
The vision is to do this over and over again. We want to be a revitalized church that revitalizes other churches in low-income neighborhoods. We want to give them teams of people, equipment, financial help, and any other kind of support we can, expecting nothing in return. Jesus freely gave himself for us, we want to freely give everything away so that the good news be preached to the poor!

The Fruit
By God’s grace in the last 7 years we've baptized over 30 people, added over 70 members, installed new deacons, dedicated babies, had attendances of over 100, remodeled 7 Poe Mill homes, and preached 1 gospel.
We have filled numerous peoples refrigerators with groceries, given those without cars rides to the doctor, taken upwards of 40 kids to Wal-Mart at Christmas time and told them to get whatever they want, helped families turn their water back on, and helped homeless people fill out applications at rehabs.

The Ask
We want to change the world by revitalizing churches and reaching neighborhoods and we want you to come with us by giving a gift of any amount. One of the most helpful ways people can give is by choosing a monthly gift. We understand that sometimes it's hard to know which ministries are trustworthy of support, so we want to be an open book. We offer transparency, testimonies, (and maybe even a T-shirt from time to time).
Let's connect. If you have any other thoughts or questions that come up, reach out to me via email ( or you can connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. To learn more about Griggs Memorial Baptist church visit